Office for intercultural and political communication

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About us

Our world is a complicated place

This ever-changing world that is growing closer together at dizzying speeds presents new challenges with each passing day. It is a process that seems unstoppable – and seems overwhelming. More often than not, it leaves us feeling abandoned and powerless. The latest challenge is the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic which is changing our lives on a fundamental level, with no end in sight.

The root of the feeling of uncertainty that permeates our modern world is an amalgamation of various issues. One of them being the interplay of culture, politics, economy and society whose importance is often underestimated. Many individuals in search of advice as well as decision-makers believe that studying this complex interdependency belongs exclusively to the sphere of scientific thought. It could not be more remote from practical thinking, they say. In contrast, other circles strongly reject this idea. Eventually, the followers of both ideas tacitly claimed to have a monopoly on truth – and rightfully so! It may sound odd, admittedly – but both sides are right. Why? Because they are only looking at one of two parts of an inseparable whole.

Our philosophy

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionsis a firm believer in a practical interpretation of the importance of communication and culture when it comes to politics, economics and society. This requires the following steps:

We believe that communication and culture form a mutual relationship that is often marked by tension. As a result, we are able to analyze important developments in politics, economics and society, introduce new concepts and influence ongoing processes.

Furthermore, we believe that the thought process must always antecede practical application. Any thought process should lead to practice-oriented actions. Otherwise, it bears no fruit and remains detached from the real world.

What Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscan do for you

We at Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionsare agents of this application-oriented approach.

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscan conceptualize the steps outlined above and put them into practice for you. Our most important asset is the excellence of our freelance professionals originating from all fields related to communication, culture, politics and economics. Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutions' experts provide you with reliable, responsible, customized and practice-related services that suit your specific needs. Furthermore, our freelance professionals can accompany you through the entire process.

About Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutions

This is the area where Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscan assist you. We are your trustworthy partner for intercultural, political and economic solutions.

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionsoffers reliable, simple and time-saving solutions for seemingly incalculable, complex and time-consuming challenges. Each of us has gathered a great deal of expertise due to years of experience. This provides us with the skills necessary to devise answers to your queries. Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionsfinds and implements customized solutions for the needs of every client – be they related to the public or private sphere.

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionshas made the conscious decision not to make use of ready-made solutions to individual needs. Our experience has proven that time and costs can only be saved by tackling every challenge individually. This is the intrinsic philosophy of our work that makes our services unique. That is why Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionsbridges a fundamental gap in the market.

Our Services

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscooperates with a wide variety of customers. They include private individuals as well as various authorities and institutions, NGOs and companies. Thus, we cooperate with partners with markedly different needs and expectations. We offer services to customers in the following wide variety of areas. Please note that services not listed below are not excluded.

1. International Relations

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionshas chosen Germany and Ukraine as a specialist area which is as eclectic as it is future-oriented. This field also involves relations to other countries such as the EU and the UK as well as overseas.

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscan provide assessments on the socio-political and economic developments in various countries. Assessments compiled by third parties can also be evaluated and/or amended upon request.

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscan accompany your guests in Germany and Ukraine as well as in other countries and organize exciting and interesting programs to your specifications during their stay.

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscan lend you support when it comes to visa and other legal affairs.

2. Languages

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionsoffers translator and interpreter services – covering all 24 official languages of the EU, including German, English, French, Italian, Polish, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish, Czech and Hungarian, as well as Ukrainian and Russian.

3. Businesses

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscan assist you during the founding process for your enterprise, subsidiary company or dependent branch office, both in Germany and Ukraine.

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscan assist you in scheduling and organizing your corporate event.

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscan consult you regarding successful public appearances. We can provide solutions tailor-made for the needs of owners or CEOs of medium-sized enterprises, both in Germany and Ukraine. Of course, we can also advise you when it comes to foreign conventions and customs.

4. Text and copywriting

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionsvalues your time and therefore helps you record your ideas in a broad range of media ranging from brochures to literature. Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscomposes your speeches, lectures and presentations promptly and discretely.

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionsalso takes care of your completed texts. Our freelance professionals will assist you by proofing your written work. By providing editing and optimization services, we also take care of your future readers.

5. Social Media

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscan set up and administer your personal Social Media presence.

6. Training, coaching, mediation

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionsknows that the key to your success is excellent preparation with regard to the cultural characteristics of the country you would like to do business in. Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionsoffers individual coaching services. We can prepare you and your colleagues for crucial meetings by offering effective and condensed inter-cultural training courses.

7. Consulting services

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionsalso cares for your future. We can establish contact to specialists who provide medical services, both in Germany and Ukraine.

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscan assist you by providing interpreter and attendant services during your stay, both in Germany and Ukraine.

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscan find the suitable school for your children in Germany and can provide professional guidance. Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionscan also assume responsibility of the supervision of your child’s learning progress, supervision of your child during leisure time, your child’s recreational activities as well as correspondence with school authorities thanks to its network of experts in the educational field. We will inform you regularly about your child’s study progress and assume the legal responsibility for your child.

Our worldwide network also allows us to offer a multitude of additional services.

We welcome any inquiries and will do our best to respond promptly. We will send you a timetable and budget pertaining to your project as quickly as possible. Do not hesitate to contact us anytime.

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutionshas a clear entrepreneurial vision: Our success is your success. Your satisfaction is ours.

Contact us

Consulting for Cross Cultural Solutions

Büro für interkulturelle und politische Kommunikation

Prof. Dr. Nicolas Szafowal

Ismaninger Strasse 59
D – 81675 München, Deutschland
Tel:+49 (0) 89 - 548 0 7671
+49 (0) 170 322 0889
Fax:+49 (0) 89 - 361 0 4971


Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

Prof. Dr. Nicolas Szafowal
Ismaninger Strasse, 59
81675 München

Telefon: +49 (0) 89 - 548 0 7671
Telefax: +49 (0) 89 - 361 0 4971

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